Ep. 44: Full Quantum!

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Ep. 44: Full Quantum!

‘There is nothing but love, all else is an illusion.’ ~ John F. Demartini
One of my favorite topics as a Math Major and Physics Minor is Quantum Physics, and specifically a concept called Full Quantum. What is Full Quantum? Full Quantum is light! Full Quantum is LOVE. It’s enlightenment….
Here’s a li’l Quantum Physics for ya…. All atoms, matter AND the experiences of your life come Full Quantum. They come fully charged with two opposing forces. There is a positive charge referred to as a positron, and a negative charge referred to as a neutron. When these forces and complementary opposites are combined at high speeds, they create light. Full Quantum – Love!
John F DeMartini says that LOVE is the synthesis of complementary opposites. Since there are two sides to every event in your life, when you give yourself permission to see both sides, the positive/good AND the negative/bad, you liberate your mind. You become grateful for the hidden order within what looks like chaos. Bringing these two opposing energies together equilibrates your energy. As you are exposed to positive and negative experiences in your life, you learn how to love at higher degrees of acceptance. You are balanced. You are neutral. You are love. You are Full Quantum!
Join our Tuck Talk Podcast this week for a Full Quantum love and light experience! See you here AND there!

‘The bad news: You are the only problem in your life. The good news: You are the solution.’ ~ Dr. Michael Ryce

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Abraham Hicks, law of attraction, quantum physics, self empowerment
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