Ep. 49: The Book of YOU! It’s all Good!

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Ep. 49: The Book of YOU! It's all Good!

If YOU were listening to you, if you were listening to the story of your  life, what happens during your day, the current state of your job,  relationships as well as your health, would you listen to you? And, how  would you listen to you? If ALL of what you were saying to describe your  life was a book, the latest and greatest book on the best seller list  that you had picked up to read, would you keep reading? Would you love  it? Or, would you put it down, and comment, OMG’D how depressing, how  tragic – who wants to struggle like this? Who’d want to live like this?
You continue to read, following along with the doom, gloom and struggles of  life being shared, and you get to the last sentence at the end of the  page that says, ‘But, you know what it’s all good’. It’s fine. It’s all good’.
And you go huh? All good? Fine? All THAT and it’s all good? First off, you  might want to notify your voice and inner self that it’s all good – cuz  that is NOT what I’m hearing. I’m hearing ‘gloom, despair, and agony on me’.
So what would have anyone hood wink themselves into telling a life story,  talk about their situations and life experiences with this much doom and  gloom and THEN finish off by saying – but it’s all good?
Join our Tuck Talk Podcast this week to discover how to own your story. And, write the happy ending. Thank you Brene Brown!!

‘If you own this story you get to write the ending.’ ~ Brene Brown

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mastery, self empowerment, transformation
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